Friday, 17 September 2010

Tropical storms in Singapore

We had another storm here today .... but what most of us find strange is that we are here on the west coast and we can experience the biggest and wettest storm, yet those on the East Coast are experiencing a sunny day. Or I can phone John to say he had better stay in over lunch as there is a big storm on the way, yet he never gets a drop of rain.
The above photo was taken today about 30 minutes before the loudest part of the storm was above us.

My friends on the East Coast will phone to tell me a storm there is a thunderstorm over there, yet we end up getting nothing. For such a small island, the variation of the weather from one end to the other never ceases to amaze me - or others too!

In the 3 years and 8 mths we have been here we have probably experienced 4 or 5 really big thundery storms, extra loud ones where you can actually feel it within the building. But overall I would say we manage to experience about 8 a year of the 'normal' loud thunder storms.

Today I would put the storm up amongst the top 5.  Here are three images of what we could see (or not see!) from our balcony on the 18th level:

It was LOUD,  dark, stormy and frightning...... the lightning struck at the same time as the thunder. It was a continous roll of noise and lightning flashes for about 20 minutes. Then it took about another  hour of just 'normal thunder and lightning before moving away.

This is the view we can normally see from our balcony!!

The main variable of Singapores climate is not temperature or air pressure, but rainfall. Singapores climate can be described as tropical climate, with an annual average Temperature around 28°C, with daytime Temperatures of 35°C and more, and minima around 20°C. The area's relative humidity is quite high, and ranges between 70 and 90 percent, the high humidity can make it quite uncomfortable for many.

The extreme variations in rainfall are caused by the monsoons. Generally speaking, there is a dry season (June to September), and a rainy season (December to March). Precipitation is quite high, and varies from 1000-1500 mm per year. 
Typhoons can hit Singapore from July to mid November, and can sometimes cause heavy damage, flooding and erosion. However, In general Typhoons prefer other routes, and are quite seldom in Singapore. 

The Climate of Singapore can be classified as a hot, humid tropical climate!! 

Required clothing:
Lightweight cotton clothing is advised throughout the year, with an umbrella or raincoat for sudden cloudbursts. No matter where you go, be prepared for high temperatures and humidity.

This is a fairly good example of a storm passing through Singapore:

But I really must add here that no matter how much rain we get or how much sun we may get, we - as pedestrians - are well protected. I can travel from the doorway of our apartment all the way to Changi Airport - a trip of one hour and ten minutes by train - all under cover!

I can go to the supermarket and not get one drop of rain on me!

I can walk over to the bus stop and be under cover all the way!

Yes, my feet may get wet and they often do, but I am never cold and never wet, mainly because of the covered walkways or underpasses that are seen all over Singapore.
None of us likes the discomfort that rain may bring, but it does not stop us from going out and doing what we want to do, we may have to change a few plans for the day, but it really is not too much of an issue .... these storms do not last too long. Though sometimes it may last a few hours!

Enjoy your weekend my friends

don't get too wet!!!



  1. Some of the tropical rain storms we have are vicious! I am glad it is nearly impossible to have a direct hit from a typhoon here... no where to go on our little red dot. I did say nearly - I know it happens occasionally, but few and far between isn't it? Thankfully, I think they are rare. The storms here are nasty though.

  2. "Typhoons can hit Singapore from July to mid November, and can sometimes cause heavy damage, flooding and erosion. However, In general Typhoons prefer other routes, and are quite seldom in Singapore."

    Yes. We might experience one or two tropical storms in one century.

    -Wei Jie
