Friday, 31 December 2010

a strawberry feast in the Cameron Highlands.

It was interesting to see all the different sights, but we do need those strawberries and yoghurt!  Of course everyday is STRAWBERRY DAY in the Highlands and when the season is hot and dry, the strawberry is much sweeter which is during April to June!
Here we are in December and we are ready for those strawberries whatever the season.

Be careful walking up to the Strawberry Farm as you can see the holiday season is upon us and the traffic is incredibly busy.
but it will be worth it once there!

Freshly plucked pink juicy strawberries dipped with thick yoghurt and sweetened honey and have it with a strawberry milkshake ....... decadence!
Yes, the strawberries are smaller at this time of year, but they were delicious weren't they?

Did you know that the Cameron Highlands is the only holiday destination in Malaysia where strawberries are grown and harvested commercially. Strawberry farms can be found almost everywhere in Cameron Highlands and all are open for visitors making them one of the top tourist attractions. The farms offer locally grown strawberries and home made strawberry jams or tarts at a reasonable price. 

You even have the opportunity to pluck your own strawberries at some farms. The best season to enjoy strawberries is the driest month which is from April to June. The popular strawberry farms in Cameron Highlands are Big Red Strawberry Farm, Healthy Strawberry Farm, Kasimani’s Strawberry Farm, KHM Strawberry Farm and Raju’s Hill Strawberry Farm.

I think it's time to head back to The Smokehouse Hotel .... are you ready?
But first we need to stop "and smell the flowers", most of the strawberry farms sell plants, cactus, ornaments and other touristy items. But the Hibiscus are worth stopping for a look, they are so big. The Hibiscus is Malaysia's National Flower too.
We need to continue our walk back down the narrow road to the main road in Brinchang, so watch for the traffic. 
as we pass by many buildings that house people's homes before reaching the main road.
Best time to visit Cameron Highlands is during the off peak season. Cameron Highlands is normally very crowded during the school holidays, weekends and festive holidays. 

You might be caught in traffic jam around the towns and the tourist spots during the peak season. Besides that, it is also advisable to visit at Cameron Highlands on a weekend night, so that you can visit the famous night market at Brinchang.
The weather in Cameron Highlands is cool throughout the year. The temperature there ranges from 14 degree Celsius to 28 degree Celsius. Rain is common all the year round even though the monsoon season is between November and February. However, the dry season is between February and April. If you really plan to enjoy the coldness in Cameron Highlands, you may make your way there between December and February. By the time, the temperature there can drop to 10 degree Celsius at certain places.

we have now reached the main road in Brinchang and we turn towards the right and continue on our walk back to the Smokehouse Hotel....

stay tuned for the continuation of "our walk".

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