Tuesday 12 April 2011

back home .......

Safely back home in Singapore and of course now for the unpacking, the washing, sorting of images etc. We did have a wonderful time and I now look forward to blogging about the ship, the ports of call and all the wonderful things that we saw.

It truly was a wonderful experience.

The cabin itself was very comfortable as seen here:
John enjoyed the time at sea, that is for sure!

we enjoyed breakfast on the balcony a couple of  times:
 and John certainly enjoyed sitting 
on the balcony in the sun reading or perhaps 
- more to the point - 
 we enjoyed the coffee in many of the bars:
 and snoozing on deck was a relaxing pastime too!
 The MSC Splendida in Greece.....
 ... and in Portugal:

will upload more posts over the next few days, 
starting with Genoa.

stay tuned!

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