Friday 11 May 2012

how to blow your Baht in Bangkok!

 dare I say that shopping in Bangkok 
might surpass shopping in Singapore?

Shopping in Bangkok is an experience to thrill and delight the most discerning of shoppers - whatever it is you're looking for. From the gleaming chrome and towering size of modern, air-conditioned malls, to the hustle and bustle of its famously buzzing street markets, Bangkok has all kinds of places to blow your baht. With everything from antiquities and the latest pair of trainers to designer jewellery available, Bangkok has an equally exhaustive, and potentially exhausting, variety of things to buy.

To get around Bangkok for shopping is quite easy, one can go by taxi or even quicker would be by train to most shopping malls or perhaps the local Tuk Tuk?

From the train stations there are many safe walkways that link with the shopping centre's as seen here:
There are also many websites dedicated to shopping in Bangkok, one of them being The Top Ten Shopping Experiences. It lists markets, shopping malls, after dark shopping, the flower markets and street shopping. There are so many shopping malls and you will always find 'something' for yourself, then there is the 'street shopping' too..... and don't worry about 'rest time' as there is always a Starbucks somewhere close by in Bangkok!

Whether you're looking for fabric for a new outfit or curtains, or ready-made gift items for your loved ones at home, you'll be thrilled with the endless selection Bangkok has to offer. Everything from shimmering Thai silk and pure cottons to exotic batik sarongs are readily available at Pahurat Textile Market, Thailand's largest fabric market, Silom Village and many other markets and mall outlets. 
Unique in its own right, Pahurat or 'Little India' (near Chinatown) is not so little when it comes to variety. Cotton, chiffon, linen, satin, silk and velvet come in all sizes and colours. Even if you're not looking to buy fabric, Pahurat is still quite a feast for the eyes.

I think most people used to go to Bangkok for the fabrics, especially the Thai Silk and yes, this still is the case, but Bangkok is by far, a lot more than just the Silk Fabrics.
The Antiques and Crafts are just so beautiful too and well worth checking out ... if not for purchase, then certainly to view them.

With skills that are passed down for generations, the art of Thai crafts has long been a reflection of Thai people's creativity and ingenuity. The intricate detail and meticulous methods is a display of inventiveness, and the elaborate designs proof of perseverance. Moreover, the abundance of natural materials such as wicker, palm leaves, rattan and coconuts make it possible for Thais to produce beautiful and inexpensive handicrafts.

and supermarket shopping too ...... large, clean supermarkets with wide aisles and not crowded either!!

 dare I say that shopping in Bangkok 
might surpass shopping in Singapore?

previous blog post was 


  1. Oh Leone,

    What beautiful pics. I want to go there NOW. It's never been a place on my priority list to visit, but those silks.... I think I'm in love!!

    Cheers from Linda

  2. I have not been to Bangkok for years and there are big changes ...

    but seriously it is fantastic!

    The fabrics are superb, in particular the silk .. but it is all beautiful. I bought 5 meters of Thai Silk at Jim Thomapsons for 1650 BHT which is $51.60 AUD ....

    But also bought lots of cotton fabric too. Have no idea (at this stage) what I am going to do with it all... but something!
