Tuesday 7 June 2011

THE INTAN - a rose cut diamond for all things Peranakan!

Last week myself, along with other bloggers from Singapore, spent an afternoon at The Intan, Singapore's first private Peranakan home museum. We were invited to learn a little of the culture and to experience the Peranakan hospitality by Alvin Yapp and ContactSingapore.
The very hospitable Alvin is the owner of this private museum and on his website he says:

The Intan is a collection of all things Peranakan, and more. It is an ambitious attempt to try and reconcile the beauty of the past into a modern home setting. It is an aspiration to find creative ways of yielding otherwise purely decorative and beautiful artifacts a new lease of life. From a gastronomical experience to a feast for eyes, I hope The Intan will give you some insights to the bygone chapters of the Peranakan Culture.
Without a doubt, The Intan is a haven of Peranakan treasures as you will see in the following images:

The Peranakans are well-known for their love of porcelain. Peranakan porcelain is decorated with a distinctively brilliant palette of enamel colors featuring pastel colors such as pink, blue and lime green as well as muted tones such as orange, olive green and brown. 

Motifs such as the phoenix and peony would often adorn chupus or kamchengs. Fine porcelain ware such as this were carefully looked after and used only for special occasions.

there were many beautiful treasures to see that I found it difficult to know when to stop taking so many photos!

I thought I knew a little of the Peranakan culture, but once Alvin started to explain more to us, I realised I really knew nothing!

Thank you Alvin and ContactSingapore for enlightening us!

Please be aware that The Intan is a private Peranakan haven
and that visits are STRICTLY by appointments. To contact Alvin please use the CONTACT US on The Intan website. 

also read the blog post about:

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