Monday 26 September 2011

our adventure on Marina Bay!

Singapore has been playing host to one of the world’s most advanced and light-weight Ocean racing yachts, the Audi ultra. The three owners of the boat – Ludde Ingvall, the skipper and builder of the Audi ultra, Thomas Zilliacus and Ron Creevey, co-Founders of Singapore based YuuZoo Corporation, one of the world’s leading mobile media and mobile payment companies - believe that Singapore has the potential to sail in the America’s Cup in the future. 
One of just five in the Super Maxi yachts in the world, the Audi ultra has been docked at Marina Bay and today (Sept 26) is the final day before sailing to compete in regattas around the region. 
On Saturday John and I were incredibly lucky to be able to see this yacht "up close and personal" by being invited aboard for a short cruise on the bay.

The Audi ultra racing team has over the last 25 years been one of the most successful sailing teams in the world. The team has run campaigns in partnership with international corporations and represented major premium brands.
Super Maxis are the yachts that claim all serious world records in sailing, be it Trans-Atlantic crossings or speed records. The Audi ultra is 95 feet in length and 14 stories high, making it highly visible when sailing into any harbour in the world, and delivering instant brand visibility.

The skipper of the boat, Ludde Ingvall, has twice raced around the world. He and his team have achieved:

2 x World Championships in the Maxi class
2 x Line honours in the Rolex Sydney to Hobart race
2nd in the 2001 Sydney to Hobart after being caught in a tornado
2 x Overall and line honours in the Rolex Fastnet Race
Set the Trans-Atlantic World Record from New York to England
6 times Overall victory in the Gotland Runt race in Sweden
Second in the South Atlantic Race from Cape Town to Rio de Janeiro
Line honours and overall victory in the 100th Anniversary of the Chicago to Mackinac as well as the following year.
Winner of the Canon Big Boat Challenge

Today - Monday September 26 2011 - it leaves the bay (Marina Bay) and heads over to Sentosa Island for a few days of training with a Singapore crew before heading north to Hong Kong.

The logistics of the departure from the bay is mind boggling and if you happen to be in the area around 5.00pm this afternoon ..... go down to the Helix Bridge (photo above of the bridge was taken in May 2010) and watch the Audi ultra Super Yacht manoeuvre its departure by going under the bridge SIDEWAYS with most of the hull being under water!

here is a link to the YouTube clip of the yacht when it arrived into Singapore going under the bridges. Well worth watching!

A sight to be seen for sure!!

many thanks to the
and our bubbly hostess: Juliana Tan
for a wonderful afternoon at Marina Bay

you may like to check out the previous blog post on 

stay tuned for further blog posts, 
in particular our evening meal at 
and our visit to the Marina Bay City Gallery.

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"This blog resulted from an invitation and represents the thoughts and opinions of the writer. All information on this blog is provided "as is", with no guarantee of completeness, accuracy or timeliness and the writer will not be liable for any losses, injuries or damages from the display or use of this information. All text and photos on this blog are the original works of the writer unless stated otherwise."

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