Monday 24 October 2011

exploring Sentosa after the sun goes down!

Sentosa, which translates to peace and tranquility in Malay, is a popular island resort in Singapore and of an evening it can be peaceful and relaxing, depending on where you are of course!

We recently had the opportunity to do a little exploring at night and we walked from Siloso Beach to HarbourFront MRT as seen by the red dots on the following map .... it was just perfect. It was not hot, there were not many people and everything looked so quiet and peaceful as you will - hopefully - see by the images further on .....

"borrowed" the above map off the "Fractured Thoughts" website. To be honest it is by far the better overall map of Sentosa that can be found on the internet ... too many are out of date.

the following are images from 'our walk' from Siloso Beach to The Sentosa Boardwalk.... no tripod with me so please do not expect any good quality images taken at night!

next blog post will show the images of the SENTOSA BOARDWALK!

sentosa website

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