Saturday 10 December 2011


See those white balloons in Marina Bay??

Someone suggested they look like a lot of floating snowballs. 

But they are not, its all about the Wishing Sphere Project

Today - Saturday December 10 - we had the opportunity to volunteer along with the ladies of SOKA to encourage Singaporeans and visitors to make a wish for 2012!

The following images will show you a little about today, but please, do visit the Marina Bay website to learn more about the fabulous Countdown Events that have been planned for you!!

Wishing Spheres
Each wishing sphere represents a hope, a belief that the New Year will bring new possibilities and a brighter tomorrow.

Pen your wishes for the New Year on the wishing spheres at any wishing stations located around the island in December. Then go down to Marina Bay to see the amazing spectacle of 20,000 balloons on the water.
The Countdown
Witness your wishing sphere, together with 20,000 others filled with the wishes of all Singaporeans, become part of a visual arts installation in Marina Bay – the Bay of hope and light.

Then come together and herald the dawn of the New Year together as a nation with a spectacular fireworks display specially choreographed to specially commissioned music that echoes the journey and experiences of the past year. 

John approaching another 'victim' !

Join us at the Marina Bay SINGAPORE Countdown 2011/12 – a poignant and meaningful celebration that binds people of all walks of life together as Singapore looks forward to a year filled with promise and possibilities.


Thanks to the ladies of SOKA for your company!

Co-presented by the Urban Redevelopment Authority


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