Saturday 5 May 2012

Oscar's visit to Blackwood.

It's been a busy week, but on Wednesday we took some time out to go up to Blackwood, an old historical village on the Lerderderg River.  Blackwood is 89 klms from Melbourne in Victoria, Australia and where we have a small holiday place. It is also where gold was discovered on Jan 4 1855.
Blackwood is only 20 minutes from Ballan, so it was a quick trip there to pick up a few things. It was very cold and wet, but we still had to go.

On our arrival we let Oscar out of the car to 'explore'.... this is where he and Pokey chased lizards nearly every weekend and after doing that all day long they were exhausted, so they lazed in front of the fire with Zac (Janines dog). 

above: Zac, Oscar and Pokey at Blackwood on March 13 2005.

But we watched Oscar running around, sniffing here and there and we wondered how much he remembered of previous visits so many years ago?

above: Pokey and Oscar looking for lizards in January 2007 at Blackwood.

below: Oscar running around the front area of Blackwood in May 2012

His nose was "working overtime" while there, did he know where he was?
  Can he remember Pokey or Zac at all?

We are happy we got to take him to Blackwood again.

He has settled in at Ballan very well, he is still on medication three times a day and sometimes has difficulty breathing, but overall he seems to be happy. The vet says he is in no pain, but to just watch him closely.

We had a 'doggie door' installed into the laundry door on Thursday and already he uses it. We thought it might take a week or two for him to get used to something so 'new'. But with a little encouragement he was in and out of it within the first hour and now takes himself outside when ever he needs to.

Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks?

We are happy that he got to "come home" and also that he has now been to Blackwood.

No one knows what tomorrow will bring, but with loads of love and care, we hope he is with us for sometime yet!


1 comment:

  1. Oscar is looking so good. Luv his new coat. He will be around for a long long time.
