Wednesday 16 April 2014

Blogs, Flickr and Facebook Pages!!

For those that have this blog as a 'favourite' or perhaps a 'follower'. It is rare that I post on this particular blog now due to living in Australia. So please read the 'new blogs' and become  a follower of them too!

One is titled TASTY FUN and is about cooking fun and or recipes, usually fairly easy or low cost to prepare and make!

The other blog is about LIVING IN REGIONAL VICTORIA, and the places we go or the things we see and do in the region where we now live. On this blog you will also find many Military Postings in the lead up to the commemoration of the Great War of 1914 - 1918.

But do check both blogs and perhaps become a 'follower' of these too, especially the one on living in Regional Victoria where we document the places we go to.

The links for the two blogs are below as well as other links that maybe of interest :

would appreciate it if you could now become a new follower on my Living in Regional Victoria blog!

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