Friday 3 August 2007


Rose Mary ROBERTS [today is her birthday!]
Originally uploaded by Leone Fabre.

I should have put this photo on my blog yesterday (August 1 2007) as it was my mothers 85th birthday!!!

anyway, have been very slack of late with regards "the blog", no excuse except to say have been "busy". We are flying to Melbourne tomorrow for a week........... we "hit the tarmac running" as we have so many people to catch up with. Really silly on our part I guess, we should just say to everyone we are in Melbourne come and visit us, but it seems that we have to be everywhere all at the same time.

Then we get the emails from so many people saying for us to have dinner with them, no one believes me when I say we are booked up each night of the week. There are a lot of birthdays at this time and that is the main reason we chose these dates...... but we cannot visit everyone!!!!

Anyway, enough ramblings.......

this photo is of my mum, my very favorite photo of her taken in 1943.

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