Sitting here organising another house sitter via email and having a coffee with a ginger nut biscuit ..... in fact more than just one ...... went to Bukit Timah Plaza on Tuesday and the supermarket there has ARNOTTS BISCUITS in stock, not only that, but ginger nuts .... wahoooooo!!!
Pig out time.
....... also sitting here 'cos I have just coloured my hair and need to do nothing for the next 30 mins or so ...... oh well any excuse really to get onto the computer!!
We had a lovely weekend back over at Nongsa Village, leaving on the 4.20pm ferry on Friday and not returning till late Monday. Our friends Susan and Johnny came with us this time. They live on the 27th level of our condo and have been in Singapore about 6 mths longer than us.
They have been over to Batam before but have stayed at Turi Beach Resort, so this was their first time at the Fabre Villa. :-) We all had a very relaxing weekend of reading, eating, sleeping and more reading and eating. On Friday when we arrived Dentak had made some very tasty Bee Hoon for us for dinner, then on Saturday we went shopping into Batam Centre and of course bought the perfumes and other 'cheap' labeled goodies. Susan bought her Gucci handbag and we both bought quite a few bottles of the smelly stuff!!
Saturday evening we all had a BBQ down by the poolside ....... and a few other residents wandered over to join in too. Though must admit the lazy lifestyle over there makes one want to sleep a lot, so we left the BBQ at about 9.30 or so and went back to the Villa for an early night...!!!
Sunday Susan and Johnny took the buggy down to the beach and went for a walk around to Nongsa Point Marina and back which was very energetic of them!! Sunday night we had Teppanyaki for dinner on the balcony and a Margarita or two to wash it down. :-)
Monday we lazed around till it was time to get the shuttle bus back to the ferry terminal and home by 5.00pm. John was back at work on Tuesday.
Now we don't go back to Nongsa until after we get back from our trip down to Melbourne ....... boo hoo ...... so we need to start thinking about what we need to pack (or not pack) for Melbourne and what needs to be done while there. John and I leave here on Friday November 14 arriving in Melbourne on Saturday at about 6.00am. We hit the deck running......
While we are in Melbourne we have a lady named Joy to look after "the boys" ! She arrives a few days before we leave so she can get to know them and know their routine before we leave. Joy lives in Melbourne and does a lot of house sitting for people wherever and when ever she can.
We have used house sitters for over 10 years now and find this the ideal solution when we are traveling or on holidays or just away at a weekend. So if anyone wants a house sitter, do contact me as I am sure I can put you in touch with a few!!
We had house sitters last weekend - Ian and Sue - from Sebana Cove in Malaysia, then next we have Joy for November, in December we have Isabella coming over from Vienna (Austria) to care for the boys over Christmas and New Year ...... in January we have Jaclyn spending a weekend here - while we go to Nongsa - she is here in Singapore just for a few days, so that is ideal for her and us. February we have a couple on their way to Australia from the UK, they are staying just on two weeks, so we can go away for two consecutive weekends and they get to see a lot of Singapore!!
In April a lady named Maureen will be here over the Easter period, in May - Tracey and Della for a week or so, In June we have someone just staying for the weekend and so it continues thruout 2009 ...... how fortunate we are to have so many wonderful people to stay and take care of our boys!
..... well time to go take another shower and get ready for an afternoon with "the girls"! We are at Susans today for a HAIR DAY ....... results of same will be posted within a few days!
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