Thursday 30 June 2011

Kuching - a walk around the town

Continuing on with our visit to Kuching - in Borneo, Malaysia - last weekend. The city's main thoroughfare is the broad, meandering Sarawak River. In days gone by its banks were a hive of trading activity, watched over by the White Rajah from his palace. The river remains the focus of city life even today. The beautifully landscaped Kuching Waterfront - popular with visitors and locals alike - provides an excellent starting point for a stroll around the city centre. 

Most of the main attractions are close to the Waterfront and the central business and hotel district, so a walking tour is the best way to really appreciate the city, soaking up the sights, the sounds and the atmosphere.  

It is very easy to cover the city center on foot or in one of the small ferries, or perahu tambang, that ply across the river. The old town consists of row upon row of 19th century Chinese shophouses, fanning out from Main Bazaar, Kuching's oldest street, These bustling streets are a browser's paradise, crammed full of restaurants, food stalls, and art and curio shops. Mosques, temples and churches are also dotted throughout the city center. 

Kuching has literally dozens of historic buildings - even the courthouse and the post office are unique examples of colonial period architecture. The excellent museums include the historic Sarawak Museum, with one of the best ethnographis collections in Southeast Asia. Equally fascinating are the Islamic Museum, the Chinese History Museum and the Police Museum in Fort Margherita. Kuching means 'cat' in Malay, and a short ride to Kuching North City Hall brings you to the world's first and only Cat Museum. 

we had a laugh over this one .... "John's Place" !!

Kuching is a beautiful city with incredibly friendly people, I think everyone that passed by us on the footpath actually smiled and said hello!

Most of the above information is from the website of MALEISURE.

stay tuned for further blog posts on the city of Kuching!


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