Monday 25 October 2010

every man's home is his castle!

what does your front doorway or entrance look like?

Is it welcoming?

Nice big shiny door with a welcome mat?

Flowers along the pathway leading to the entrance?

Big fancy door bell perhaps?

take a look at the following images of the homes at Luar Batang, 
a village in Northern Jakarta close to the Pasar Ikan.

The homes are just as welcoming as yours are.

The people are just as welcoming as you are.

The front entrance though is very different.


Take a close look at each and everyone of the entrances 
in the above images and 
imagine what it would be like to live in a home such as this. 

Very difficult isn't it?

But the 5000 people that live in this old village are people too, 
they are proud of their homes, 
are happy to have visitors 
and all would welcome you into their homes.
just as you would

next time you walk in your front door, spare a thought for the people of Luar Batang in Jakarta.

Click HERE for the blog posting on the Pasar Ikan

Click HERE for the blog posting on the fishermen boats

Click HERE for the posting on the Syahbandar Tower

Click HERE for the blog on the ride on the Bajaj

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