Saturday, 4 February 2012

Oscar's Countdown..... part four

The appoint at the vets went well yesterday ...

If you have already read "Oscar's Countdown ... part three" you would know what the problem was and why the repeat of the blood work!

Parts ONE and TWO, are here, so you have a fair idea of what it has been like to import Oscar into Australia. 

in summary:  the blood had not been collected in the correct vial!!!!

The vet had rung us on Thursday afternoon at 3.45pm asking if we could get him back to the clinic ASAP as the blood had to be at the Government Lab by 4.30pm. This was not possible as we were at the Gleneagles Hospital (appoint for John) at the time the time of the call, so had no time to go home and collect Oscar, then take him to the vet. So we arranged to be there first thing the following morning (yesterday, Friday).

We gave Oscar a very small amount of food to have his meds that evening. Yesterday nothing at breakfast and by 8.30am we were ready to get the cab to go back to the vets.

Once he was in the cab he knew exactly where he was going, his ears were flat down and was not looking out the window like he usually does.

But once inside the clinic he was fine, was on the table without any problem .... just sat there waiting for the inevitable to happen!!

The following images will show you how good he was, no movement, no wriggling, no squirming, nothing. Yet it must have been painful getting that injection into the jugular vein!!

The whole time, he just kept looking at John or I and moved his eyes to "follow us" only.

 above: this time being shaved on the right side of his neck!

  above: looking for the vein

 above: ready to put the needle in

 above: halfway there!

 above: nearly finished

above: OK, all done, now get me out of here!!

We took him straight home, he had some roast chicken and promptly fell asleep. He had a good dinner last night and today he has just been rather quiet and resting a lot.

No doubt he will be back to his normal self tomorrow ready to run outside and back up the stairs again.

The waiting now starts for the results of the blood test which we are told will take up to about three weeks. We hope not that long as he flies out on Feb 21st which is just 17 days!

Whatever happens with those results will also determine IF he returns to Australia or not. On the paperwork at the vets on Wednesday - that was to go to the Government Lab - it was written that he was "Clinically Well". That is a GOOD and POSITIVE sign and at this stage we are looking for ANY good or positive signs!!

The next vet visit (all being well with the blood results) is the day prior to his departure on Monday February 20th at 11 am for Oscar's FINAL health check, frontline and dewormer.

above: this is a photo of our handsome boy that Janine took 5 years ago

stay tuned for Oscar's Countdown..... part five, as we wait and see what happens next!


if you are importing your animal to Australia, make sure you have all the documents completed, scanned and ready for when required. 

Start the process at least 3 months ahead of your proposed date of travel. 

Read the Australian Quarantine website thoroughly.

Be flexible where you can so there are 'no surprises' at the last moment.

Make sure you have a good vet that knows your animal.

A wait of 24 hours for a vet appoint or a flight change etc can throw your plans out by 48 hours .... be prepared for any eventuality!

Australian Quarantine website

K9 Mitchville Kennels website


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