Janine was still away, but she had kindly left everything out on the table for us a few weeks earlier .... keys to her car, keys for Blackwood, a list of where things were and even better - long life milk sitting in the fridge ready for us to make coffee on our arrival!!!
......so we unpacked and had a shower before heading out for the day.
straight to Caulfield to do a "property inspection" at our property there, just to make sure everything is OK and no major maintenance being required in the near future, then off to Southland Shopping Center for some long overdue shopping of underwear, jeans, shoes and other such items that we find difficult to obtain (for us anyway) here in Singapore.
Had lunch there which we did not enjoy one little bit ....... some sort of Souvlaki made with PROCESSED meat that really was uneatable...... in the past (pre Singapore) we always enjoyed a souvlaki and were looking forward to something we had not eaten for nearly two years, but we are not in a hurry to repeat it now. Maybe we should have gone to a REAL Greek corner store rather than one in a food court of a large shopping mall.
After we left there we went to the Bonbeach Residential Care (Nursing Home) to visit our dear friends Barbara and David Kolle and also my mother who is a resident there. Barbara visits her husband daily so we knew she would be there too. Had a pleasant few hours chatting with them both and visiting mum too, though not much in the way of conversation with my mother as she had a stroke over 6 years ago and is now "little more than a vegetable".
Barbara came in to say goodbye as she had to get back home and then we left soon after. We had a ROBERTS family dinner to attend at a Chinese Restaurant in Berwick, this is where we catch up with a lot of the older members of the family about once a year......though I am rapidly approaching being one of the "older members" now too !!!
We left there just after 10.00pm and drove back to Watsonia in the pouring rain in Janines car along an unfamiliar freeway.......arriving back there at just on midnight, both VERY tired after a long day driving all over Melbourne and the overnight flight as well.
We had arranged to be at Jocelyn (Johns sister) and Davids for lunch the following day (Sunday) and I had asked John before we went to sleep what time would he like to be there, his reply was "about 10.30am". So off to the land of nod we went........ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
waking up at .... what?
7.30 according to my cell phone.
hang on....... 7.30am?
John checks his phone only to realize it is in fact TEN THIRTY, my cell phone had not regulated itself to Melbourne time and was still on Singapore time.
Here we are just waking up at 10,30am, an unheard of experience as far as I am concerned and we were hoping to be at Joce's by this time........ well we bolt out of bed, into the shower, get dressed and on the road arriving in time (only just) at about 12.30pm.
But how wonderful it was to catch up with the family and to see those two special little munchkins (Nick and Sophie), well perhaps Nick is not so little anymore as he is off to school in the new year. :-(
We really had a lovely BBQ lunch with lots of good food, drinks and company.

Tuesday morning saw us heading off to Blackwood, which is written about in great detail in the previous posting. .... we then arrived back into Melbourne late on Sunday.
Will continue on with our visit to Bonbeach on Monday in next posting.......
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